Bulk Blown

Blog post: The true cost of wood pellets - the cheap option with the hidden costs. Image showing a boat full of shipping containers and a plane representing overseas imports.

The True Cost of Wood Pellets: The ‘Cheap’ Option with Hidden Costs

The True Cost of Wood Pellets While imported wood pellets may seem cheaper, their hidden costs impact the environment, the economy, and your biomass boiler’s performance. This blog post uncovers the true cost of wood pellets, revealing the environmental damage of unsustainable forestry and long-distance shipping, the economic benefits of supporting UK jobs, and the superior quality and traceability of UK-sourced pellets. Discover …

The True Cost of Wood Pellets: The ‘Cheap’ Option with Hidden Costs Read More »

Pellet Consumers: The Latest Trends.

UK Pellet Experts Weigh in on the Latest Consumer Trends

UK Pellet Experts Weigh in on the Latest Consumer Trends Discover the latest trends in the UK wood pellet market from the experts at SDL Pellets. This blog post analyses a recent EN Plus survey, revealing insights into the growing demand for sustainable, high-quality, and locally sourced wood pellets. Learn how SDL Pellets caters to these evolving consumer needs, offering EN …

UK Pellet Experts Weigh in on the Latest Consumer Trends Read More »

Bulk Blown Wood Pellets Blog Post

Bulk Blown Wood Pellets: What’s It All About?

Interested in a hassle-free and eco-friendly way to power your biomass boiler? This blog post explains the benefits of using bulk blown wood pellets, from convenient delivery and reduced storage space to cost-effectiveness and sustainability. Learn how at SDL Pellets, as a leading UK supplier, we ensure high-quality EN Plus A1 certified pellets and reliable service for your biomass heating …

Bulk Blown Wood Pellets: What’s It All About? Read More »

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